
  Online Bulletin 


Engage Now:

We want to connect with you!
If you’re a guest with us today, we would love to meet you! Please take a moment to fill out a Connection Card, available at the front entrance, and stop by our Welcome Desk for a free gift to say thank you for coming to Liberty.  
Prayer Meeting- We believe in the power of prayer! Join us tonight for our monthly prayer meeting at 5pm with a fellowship meal to follow. The meal theme is sandwiches and salads.
Hope for the Hungry- This Wednesday is our Free Food Box Distribution day, 10am-1pm. If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, please stop by and pick up a box of food.

2024 Contributions- Year-end contribution statements can be accessed through Realm under the giving tab on your profile. If you need assistance setting up a profile, accessing your statement or need your statement printed contact Melissa Corn at melissa@libertybaptistchurch.ws.

New Podcast- The Live@Liberty podcast launches this week. Go to your favorite podcast provider or YouTube and search for Live@Liberty and subscribe! Live@Liberty will offer a weekly sermon replay as well as an episode that will help you stay informed and get to know the people of Liberty.
Please go to REALM and make sure your personal information is up to date. During the Live@Liberty podcast we will celebrate birthdays and anniversaries so PLEASE make sure we have your dates correct.

Golf Tournament- Our annual golf tournament benefitting Celebrate Recovery is scheduled for April 26th at Indian Trace Golf Course. Get your team together and sign up now!

Disciple Now Weekend 2025: “In His Image” – Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 16. CONNECT Students from Liberty will come together with other local youth groups for main DNOW sessions at Grove Level Baptist Church. After main sessions, CONNECT small groups will be staying overnight at Liberty sponsored host homes. Info & Registration Here
CONNECT Family Event: “Dodging Family Issues” – Sunday, Feb 23 from 5-7 pm. CONNECT Students and their families will take time to get together, discuss how to navigate family issues that we all experience, and have some family competition… dodgeball!
Register Here for this family event.
12 Step Groups- New Men and Woman’s 12 Step Groups will start on 1/15/25 at 6:30 pm. To sign up see Scott Young or email him your contact info and the leaders will reach out to you. scott@libertybaptistchurch.ws

Liberty MidWeek Lineup- Wednesday Midweek Classes (6:30 – 7:30 pm)

The Man Church – IMPACT, A Fruitful Life of Faith – The IMPACT study will take a man through the 8 fruits of the Holy Spirit and show how His relationship with the Holy Spirit molds his character and positions him for a fruitful life of faith that will impact every area of his influence. No registration required. 
Women’s Bible Study – Abide – In three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us, as well. This 10-session Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3, John, will help you see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth. 
Realm Help Desk – Need help getting on Realm? Stop by the Welcome Desk following each Sunday morning service. Our Support team will be available to assist getting connected or answering questions you have about Realm.

Engage Later:

Youth Service – Our Connect Student Worship night is in session every Wednesday at 6:30pm on campus.
 The ManChurch/ Ladies Bible Study – 6:30pm.
Preschool and DOCK Kids for all children nursery through 5th grade.
Celebrate Recovery-  CR meets in person every Thursday night at 7:00 at the Hwy 76 campus. Come out and worship with us as we give God our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Join us for a free meal 1 hour before the worship time. 
Main Worship: 10:30 am
Life Groups: 9:30 am
Volunteer Opportunities – 
Tech Team (see Austin McBryer)
                               Greeter Ministry (email Scott Young)
                               Preschool/ Children (email Melissa Corn)