Day 3 – Your Biggest Money Problem

 Verse of the Day

Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds.
Proverbs 27:23 (ESV)

 Action Step

Inventory your income and your assets. How much do you have coming in? How much do you have on hand?


Most people believe that their biggest money problem is that they don’t have enough of it. But that isn’t true. You’ll make the same mistakes with a lot as you do with a little. And the truth of the matter is, most everyone, has enough – they just don’t know how much is enough. In this stewardship tip Pastor Brian challenges you to inventory your income and your assets. How much do you have coming in each month and how much stuff/material do you have on hand that you could turn into cash? If you don’t know what you’ve got, you don’t know where it’s going. Knowing your income is the first step in budgeting.